Our Dedication

Redefining sex and self-pleasure as transformative and healing by informing and celebrating the power of feminine openness, beauty, and elegance.

Unapologetically, I love being a Woman.

The vibration women exude—her essence, her aura—is breathtaking. The light that radiates from her skin give meaning to every room she steps in.

Sadly, the majority of women today have no idea what power lies within them; an ability to co-create with their bodies, partners, and reality.

The voice of my previous self continues to live amongst the women I encounter daily; timid when asking the simplest of questions, unwilling to take up space, apologetic for existing in the first place. We have been taught to judge and disassociate from our bodies, to ignore and override the messages being communicated to us with beliefs, trends, and rules that crush our natural harmony

Where there is taboo and repression there is immense power. My mission is to awaken humanity from the sleepy slumber of shame that is wrapped around our sexuality. As an herbalist and healer, I have mastered the art of fantasy by creating a world every woman desires to belong to that is confident, embodied, sexy, and powerful.

Deep within we are all hungry for more, to remember our aliveness and humanness. Our worldly paradigms are shifting and it is a privilege to be a part of the change.

Thank you for following our journey, feeling into who we are, and joining us in the revolution for sexual alchemy and power.

Serving your beauty,
