Soul Rejuvenation®️

Soul Rejuvenation® the gift of a lifetime for those seeking true self confidence, resilience, and vitality (mind, body, and spirit) to reconnect to their true calling in life and up-level their game.  This comprehensive healing creates wholeness and a new beginning for clients.  Useful when needing to ground ideas and connect to creativity, completing important projects, embarking on a new entrepreneurial venture or on the path of self-actualization where critical thinking, harnessed energies, thoughts and the best innovative ideas are needed to go to new levels of success and accomplishments.

Refreshing changes include the expanded capacity to love and hold onto happiness and joy for longer periods of time.  Through tumultuous life circumstances, pain, or trauma, even the strongest people can get worn down to the point of core exhaustion, where their qualities of lightness, spirit, sense of humor, and imagination feel disconnected.  Parts of themselves go “missing”.  Much like a surgeon who works with extreme precision, Jenna, rebuilds the energetic body, soul, and protective field; layer by layer for complete restoration.  She repairs all the scattered energies from life disappointments then “amps up” the vibration, awakens passion, and creative inspiration.  Celebrate the effervescence of radiance, orgasmic potential, and “aliveness” that emanates from within with Soul Rejuvenation®.

Clients awaken a zest for life and possibility thinking after building up their energy reserves and restoring emotional balance.  Following the 30 days of behind-the-scenes energetic support, clients are more connected to their inner guidance and navigational system;  they feel supported, nurtured, and grounded in life, with a strong sense of belonging on Earth. 

Each night through various healing modalities used to fortify the systems of the body, including:  Dolphin & Whale healing, 5 Modalities of Reiki, Color Therapy, Solfeggio Frequency Healing, Multi-dimensional Healing, LaHoChi Healing, Crystal / Sound healing, Diamond Healing, and implant removals.  Using special authorities, this unique service can be gifted on behalf of those who are unable to personally ask for help.  Keystones of success include the highest standards of integrity, ethics and compassion for the human soul that is suffering or lost, one who is worthy of deep healing.

Clients who have received Soul Rejuvenation®️ have benefited by:

  • Reconnecting to purpose and felt a deeper sense of inner peace and tranquility. Experiencing life in a more meaningful.

  • Melting of old heart walls and blocks that prevented love from entering their lives; deeper capacity to connect and welcome sexual energy, pleasure, and full body orgasm due the revitalization of the soul which contributes to overall physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual embodiment.

  • Awakened their intuitive wisdom developing more clarity with potential for better decision making; a sense of self-freedom and sovereignty followed by a new pep to their step with complete lightness and effervescence.

  • More self-confident, solid, and grounded with soul/ core stamina and fortitude that carry clients through all of life’s challenges. 

  • Clients are more “present” for those they care about, improved communication, enhanced love and harmony in relationships, passion and magnetism.  The “attraction field” of the person shifts;  fun synchronicities and miracles abound!

  • Wholeness and freedom for their soul! Ready for joy, love, and embarking on the next exciting quest. Dark clouds are removed. Completely revives all damaged aspects of the heart and soul. 

  • Becoming unleashed and free, so dreams can come true.  Improved self-healing ability, motivation, and manifestation flow.  Improved time management due to renewed perspective for problem solving, mental sequencing, ability to focus, concentrate, and handling stress better.

  • Sparkling like a diamond from the inside out; feeling more connected that is clear and flowing. 

Sex & Soul Transformation


In the meantime, follow me on Instagram to learn more about sacred and conscious sex and evolution.